BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//The American Chestnut Foundation - ECPv6.5.1//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:The American Chestnut Foundation X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for The American Chestnut Foundation REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20240310T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20241103T060000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20240614T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20240614T120000 DTSTAMP:20240613T030925 CREATED:20240507T161117Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240507T163306Z SUMMARY:PA-Controlled Pollination Workshop - Bagging Demonstration DESCRIPTION:Join TACF at the chestnut orchard at Penn State Arboretum in State College on Friday\, June 14th to learn all about the controlled pollination process\, and see the many different types of chestnuts at this large backcross chestnut orchard. Controlled pollination is vital to growing trees that are the best of the best from the backcross breeding program to preserve the genetic diversity of the American chestnut species and to develop source trees for stacked resistance in future plantings. Volunteers who want to be involved in future pollination activities are greatly needed and encouraged to join.\n\n\nThe event will be held outdoors at the chestnut orchard on June 14th\, 2024\, from 10am to noon\, with a tentative rain date on the following Monday\, June 17th. The orchard is located to the north of the University Park campus. Take Fox Hollow Road to Big Hollow Road\, and follow the signs to the event. Contact Lake Graboski\, North Central Regional Science Coordinator\, if interested in attending at URL: LOCATION:Chestnut Orchard at Penn State\, Chestnut Grove Lane\, State College\, PA\, United States CATEGORIES:Pennsylvania / New Jersey,The American Chestnut Foundation ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: ORGANIZER;CN="Lake Graboski" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20240615T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20240615T150000 DTSTAMP:20240613T030925 CREATED:20240603T180619Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240603T181953Z SUMMARY:VA- Inoculations at Sky Meadows\, day 1 DESCRIPTION:2024 Virginia Chestnut Orchard Inoculation Program\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Volunteers are needed for a citizen scientist task – inoculating chestnut trees to test their resistance to blight. A three-person crew\, or crews\, are required over three weekends\, working from 9 am to 3 pm. Please email with your date preference and indicate whether you can work multiple days. It would be preferable to work both days of a weekend so we have continuity. \nContact Fred Hebard to participate. \nPlease join us for any inoculation events that you are available.\nJune 8-9 Blandy Experimental FarmChestnut Orchard\, Google map \n\nSaturday June 8 event\nSunday June 9 event\n\nJune 15-16   Sky Meadows State ParkSky Meadows Visitor Parking\, Google map \n\nSaturday June 15 event\nSunday June 16 event\n\nJune 22-23  Banshee ReeksBanshee Reeks Nature Preserve Visitor Center\, Google map \n\nSaturday June 22 event\nSunday June 23 event\n\n  \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n June is a busy month for chestnut breeding. Tree inoculation will be done in the first half of June and pollination the second half. We use open pollinations to produce seed for our northern Virginia seed orchards\, and have mostly finished harvesting seed for them. Now the trees have grown up large enough\, it is time to test them for blight resistance. The first phase of selection entails inoculating them with the blight (giving them blight) and picking the winners. \nWhen seed orchard trees are about 2” in diameter and 10-15 feet tall they are ready to be inoculated. We do this by boring a hole in the bark\, removing a plug of bark and replacing it with a disk of agar and mycelium\, the chestnut blight fungus. The agar and mycelium are cut from a culture of the fungus in a Petri plate. I am currently in the process of generating large numbers of culture plates for our activity. \nIn trees inoculated in 2022 and 2023 we have seen clear and statistically significant separation of family means\, which is an indication that we have variability in blight resistance between families. Variation is good; we can pick the winning families and discard the losers. If there were no variation\, we couldn’t select the best families. There also is variation between families that share the same grandparent but not the same parents. Again this is good because we can select the best. Finally\, we can select the best trees within families as trees vary within families. \nOur experience has been that a crew of three people can inoculate two plots of 180 planted nuts per day\, from 9am to 3 pm. In 2023 we inoculated 11 plots\, and 25 in 2023. For 2024\, we have nine plots at Blandy\, five at Banshee Reeks and four or more at Sky Meadows. With two crews\, I estimate it will take two days to inoculate Blandy\, and one each Banshee and Sky Meadows. We may inoculate a few more plots at Sky Meadows as they are coming along fast and we are in danger of getting swamped next year. \nSuccessive weekends worked well this spring for planting\, so I hope we can repeat this progress this June. The plan is to inoculate Saturday and Sunday over the weekends of June 8th — Blandy\, June 15th — Sky Meadows\, and June 22nd — Banshee Reeks. Please email back with your date preference and indicate whether you can work multiple days. It would be preferable to work both days of a weekend so we have continuity. \nI look forward to getting out in the orchards with you and we will send out a confirming memo in the week prior to each weekend. \nYours Truly\,\nFred \nFrederick V. Hebard\, PhD\nVice President\, Virginia Chapter\nThe American Chestnut Foundation\\n276 356-8517 URL: LOCATION:Sky Meadows State Park\, 11012 Edmonds Ln\, Delaplane\, VA\, 20144\, United States CATEGORIES:The American Chestnut Foundation,Virginia ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Fred Hebard" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20240616T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20240616T150000 DTSTAMP:20240613T030925 CREATED:20240603T181549Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240603T184012Z SUMMARY:VA- Inoculations at Sky Meadows\, day 2 DESCRIPTION:2024 Virginia Chestnut Orchard Inoculation Program\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Volunteers are needed for a citizen scientist task – inoculating chestnut trees to test their resistance to blight. A three-person crew\, or crews\, are required over three weekends\, working from 9 am to 3 pm. Please email with your date preference and indicate whether you can work multiple days. It would be preferable to work both days of a weekend so we have continuity. \nContact Fred Hebard to participate. \nPlease join us for any inoculation events that you are available.\nJune 8-9 Blandy Experimental Farm\nChestnut Orchard\, Google map \n\nSaturday June 8 event\nSunday June 9 event\n\nJune 15-16   Sky Meadows State Park\nSky Meadows Visitor Parking\, Google map \n\nSaturday June 15 event\nSunday June 16 event\n\nJune 22-23  Banshee Reeks\nBanshee Reeks Nature Preserve Visitor Center\, Google map \n\nSaturday June 22 event\nSunday June 23 event\n\n  \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n June is a busy month for chestnut breeding. Tree inoculation will be done in the first half of June and pollination the second half. We use open pollinations to produce seed for our northern Virginia seed orchards\, and have mostly finished harvesting seed for them. Now the trees have grown up large enough\, it is time to test them for blight resistance. The first phase of selection entails inoculating them with the blight (giving them blight) and picking the winners. \nWhen seed orchard trees are about 2” in diameter and 10-15 feet tall they are ready to be inoculated. We do this by boring a hole in the bark\, removing a plug of bark and replacing it with a disk of agar and mycelium\, the chestnut blight fungus. The agar and mycelium are cut from a culture of the fungus in a Petri plate. I am currently in the process of generating large numbers of culture plates for our activity. \nIn trees inoculated in 2022 and 2023 we have seen clear and statistically significant separation of family means\, which is an indication that we have variability in blight resistance between families. Variation is good; we can pick the winning families and discard the losers. If there were no variation\, we couldn’t select the best families. There also is variation between families that share the same grandparent but not the same parents. Again this is good because we can select the best. Finally\, we can select the best trees within families as trees vary within families. \nOur experience has been that a crew of three people can inoculate two plots of 180 planted nuts per day\, from 9am to 3 pm. In 2023 we inoculated 11 plots\, and 25 in 2023. For 2024\, we have nine plots at Blandy\, five at Banshee Reeks and four or more at Sky Meadows. With two crews\, I estimate it will take two days to inoculate Blandy\, and one each Banshee and Sky Meadows. We may inoculate a few more plots at Sky Meadows as they are coming along fast and we are in danger of getting swamped next year. \nSuccessive weekends worked well this spring for planting\, so I hope we can repeat this progress this June. The plan is to inoculate Saturday and Sunday over the weekends of June 8th — Blandy\, June 15th — Sky Meadows\, and June 22nd — Banshee Reeks. Please email back with your date preference and indicate whether you can work multiple days. It would be preferable to work both days of a weekend so we have continuity. \nI look forward to getting out in the orchards with you and we will send out a confirming memo in the week prior to each weekend. \nYours Truly\,\nFred \nFrederick V. Hebard\, PhD\nVice President\, Virginia Chapter\nThe American Chestnut Foundation\\n276 356-8517 URL: LOCATION:Sky Meadows State Park\, 11012 Edmonds Ln\, Delaplane\, VA\, 20144\, United States CATEGORIES:The American Chestnut Foundation,Virginia ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Fred Hebard" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20240622T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20240622T150000 DTSTAMP:20240613T030925 CREATED:20240603T184323Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240603T184323Z SUMMARY:VA- Inoculations at Banshee Reeks\, day 1 DESCRIPTION:2024 Virginia Chestnut Orchard Inoculation Program\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Volunteers are needed for a citizen scientist task – inoculating chestnut trees to test their resistance to blight. A three-person crew\, or crews\, are required over three weekends\, working from 9 am to 3 pm. Please email with your date preference and indicate whether you can work multiple days. It would be preferable to work both days of a weekend so we have continuity. \nContact Fred Hebard to participate. \nPlease join us for any inoculation events that you are available.\nJune 8-9 Blandy Experimental Farm\nChestnut Orchard\, Google map \n\nSaturday June 8 event\nSunday June 9 event\n\nJune 15-16   Sky Meadows State Park\nSky Meadows Visitor Parking\, Google map \n\nSaturday June 15 event\nSunday June 16 event\n\nJune 22-23  Banshee Reeks\nBanshee Reeks Nature Preserve Visitor Center\, Google map \n\nSaturday June 22 event\nSunday June 23 event\n\n  \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n June is a busy month for chestnut breeding. Tree inoculation will be done in the first half of June and pollination the second half. We use open pollinations to produce seed for our northern Virginia seed orchards\, and have mostly finished harvesting seed for them. Now the trees have grown up large enough\, it is time to test them for blight resistance. The first phase of selection entails inoculating them with the blight (giving them blight) and picking the winners. \nWhen seed orchard trees are about 2” in diameter and 10-15 feet tall they are ready to be inoculated. We do this by boring a hole in the bark\, removing a plug of bark and replacing it with a disk of agar and mycelium\, the chestnut blight fungus. The agar and mycelium are cut from a culture of the fungus in a Petri plate. I am currently in the process of generating large numbers of culture plates for our activity. \nIn trees inoculated in 2022 and 2023 we have seen clear and statistically significant separation of family means\, which is an indication that we have variability in blight resistance between families. Variation is good; we can pick the winning families and discard the losers. If there were no variation\, we couldn’t select the best families. There also is variation between families that share the same grandparent but not the same parents. Again this is good because we can select the best. Finally\, we can select the best trees within families as trees vary within families. \nOur experience has been that a crew of three people can inoculate two plots of 180 planted nuts per day\, from 9am to 3 pm. In 2023 we inoculated 11 plots\, and 25 in 2023. For 2024\, we have nine plots at Blandy\, five at Banshee Reeks and four or more at Sky Meadows. With two crews\, I estimate it will take two days to inoculate Blandy\, and one each Banshee and Sky Meadows. We may inoculate a few more plots at Sky Meadows as they are coming along fast and we are in danger of getting swamped next year. \nSuccessive weekends worked well this spring for planting\, so I hope we can repeat this progress this June. The plan is to inoculate Saturday and Sunday over the weekends of June 8th — Blandy\, June 15th — Sky Meadows\, and June 22nd — Banshee Reeks. Please email back with your date preference and indicate whether you can work multiple days. It would be preferable to work both days of a weekend so we have continuity. \nI look forward to getting out in the orchards with you and we will send out a confirming memo in the week prior to each weekend. \nYours Truly\,\nFred \nFrederick V. Hebard\, PhD\nVice President\, Virginia Chapter\nThe American Chestnut Foundation\\n276 356-8517 URL: LOCATION:Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve\, 21085 The Woods Rd\, Leesburg\, VA\, 20175\, United States CATEGORIES:The American Chestnut Foundation,Virginia ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Fred Hebard" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20240622T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20240622T130000 DTSTAMP:20240613T030925 CREATED:20240612T205627Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240612T205934Z SUMMARY:Pollination at Pryor Orchard - Edneyville\, NC DESCRIPTION:Please join us at the beautiful Pryor Orchard for a one-day pollination workshop to learn the basics of chestnut breeding.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n The workshop is a hands-on opportunity to learn and practice the techniques we use for controlled crosses in the TACF breeding program. We’ll cover all the steps in the process: finding and identifying an American chestnut tree\, how to recognize the male and female flowers\, emasculation and bagging\, pollen collection and handling\, labeling and record-keeping\, and the intimate details of hand pollination. We should be finished before lunch. \nTo get to the address you will drive up windy mountain roads. The orchard is located off Timber Trail Road and will have a limited cell signal. We recommended downloading directions prior to the workday. Jamie’s cell is 814-880-2288\, but signal may be limited. \nWhen pulling into the driveway\, look to the right and you will see the orchard fenced in and some volunteers already working. \n12 Will Hill Road\, Hendersonville\, NCThe coordinates are: 35.40297\, -82.29308 \nYou should bring: a pair of garden clippers or tiny scissors\, a summer hat\, and some bug spray. Sensible shoes are a must! Dress for the weather and don’t forget to bring plenty of water and a snack. This is an all-ages event\, everyone is welcome. No experience necessary. \nIn case of rain\, an alternate date will be announced here and emailed. Watch your inbox! \nIf you’re interested in attending please RSVP here. \nSee you there!  \n \n RSVP Here URL: LOCATION:Pryor Orchard\, 12 Will Hill Rd\, Hendersonville\, NC\, 28792\, United States CATEGORIES:Carolinas,The American Chestnut Foundation ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: GEO:-82.29308;35.40297 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=Pryor Orchard 12 Will Hill Rd Hendersonville NC 28792 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=12 Will Hill Rd:geo:35.40297,-82.29308 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20240623T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20240623T150000 DTSTAMP:20240613T030925 CREATED:20240603T184518Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240603T184518Z SUMMARY:VA- Inoculations at Banshee Reeks\, day 2 DESCRIPTION:2024 Virginia Chestnut Orchard Inoculation Program\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Volunteers are needed for a citizen scientist task – inoculating chestnut trees to test their resistance to blight. A three-person crew\, or crews\, are required over three weekends\, working from 9 am to 3 pm. Please email with your date preference and indicate whether you can work multiple days. It would be preferable to work both days of a weekend so we have continuity. \nContact Fred Hebard to participate. \nPlease join us for any inoculation events that you are available.\nJune 8-9 Blandy Experimental Farm\nChestnut Orchard\, Google map \n\nSaturday June 8 event\nSunday June 9 event\n\nJune 15-16   Sky Meadows State Park\nSky Meadows Visitor Parking\, Google map \n\nSaturday June 15 event\nSunday June 16 event\n\nJune 22-23  Banshee Reeks\nBanshee Reeks Nature Preserve Visitor Center\, Google map \n\nSaturday June 22 event\nSunday June 23 event\n\n  \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n June is a busy month for chestnut breeding. Tree inoculation will be done in the first half of June and pollination the second half. We use open pollinations to produce seed for our northern Virginia seed orchards\, and have mostly finished harvesting seed for them. Now the trees have grown up large enough\, it is time to test them for blight resistance. The first phase of selection entails inoculating them with the blight (giving them blight) and picking the winners. \nWhen seed orchard trees are about 2” in diameter and 10-15 feet tall they are ready to be inoculated. We do this by boring a hole in the bark\, removing a plug of bark and replacing it with a disk of agar and mycelium\, the chestnut blight fungus. The agar and mycelium are cut from a culture of the fungus in a Petri plate. I am currently in the process of generating large numbers of culture plates for our activity. \nIn trees inoculated in 2022 and 2023 we have seen clear and statistically significant separation of family means\, which is an indication that we have variability in blight resistance between families. Variation is good; we can pick the winning families and discard the losers. If there were no variation\, we couldn’t select the best families. There also is variation between families that share the same grandparent but not the same parents. Again this is good because we can select the best. Finally\, we can select the best trees within families as trees vary within families. \nOur experience has been that a crew of three people can inoculate two plots of 180 planted nuts per day\, from 9am to 3 pm. In 2023 we inoculated 11 plots\, and 25 in 2023. For 2024\, we have nine plots at Blandy\, five at Banshee Reeks and four or more at Sky Meadows. With two crews\, I estimate it will take two days to inoculate Blandy\, and one each Banshee and Sky Meadows. We may inoculate a few more plots at Sky Meadows as they are coming along fast and we are in danger of getting swamped next year. \nSuccessive weekends worked well this spring for planting\, so I hope we can repeat this progress this June. The plan is to inoculate Saturday and Sunday over the weekends of June 8th — Blandy\, June 15th — Sky Meadows\, and June 22nd — Banshee Reeks. Please email back with your date preference and indicate whether you can work multiple days. It would be preferable to work both days of a weekend so we have continuity. \nI look forward to getting out in the orchards with you and we will send out a confirming memo in the week prior to each weekend. \nYours Truly\,\nFred \nFrederick V. Hebard\, PhD\nVice President\, Virginia Chapter\nThe American Chestnut Foundation\\n276 356-8517 URL: LOCATION:Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve\, 21085 The Woods Rd\, Leesburg\, VA\, 20175\, United States CATEGORIES:The American Chestnut Foundation,Virginia ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Fred Hebard" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20240628T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20240628T140000 DTSTAMP:20240613T030925 CREATED:20230123T155206Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230123T203015Z SUMMARY:Chapters Committee Meeting DESCRIPTION: URL: LOCATION:NC CATEGORIES:The American Chestnut Foundation END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR