By WV Board Member Lewis Cook
Over a brisk weekend in early October, during the Annual West Virginia Chestnut Festival in Rowlesburg Mark Double, WV-TACF Chapter President, retired from his duties. Chapter Board member Lewis A. Cook shared these kind words about his time with Mark.
If we are fortunate, each of us meets someone who is so special that we are better because we have them in our lives. Mark is one of those lifelong acquaintances that fulfilled that role for me, and I am sure many others.
Mark has extraordinary abilities in kindness, praise, organization, and responsibility, that enriches everyone around him. His knowledge, energy, and fairness make him a pleasure to be around and work with. He stays away from complaining and criticism in deference to compliments and support. I have never observed him in a bad mood or expressing anger.
His contribution to the West Virginia Chapter of The American Chestnut Foundation is marked by his organizational ability; those of us around him serve only as support staff. Any efforts or accomplishments we have made are only due to his leadership skills.

Mark had the foresight and good sense to find a wonderful life partner, Mindy. She is a significant part of the very positive experience of being associated with Mark.
Losing a Chapter leader like Mark creates a sense of loss and anxiety. Certainly, he cannot be replaced, but we are optimistic about the next leader, Bernie Coyle, who will have his own distinct style that will be appreciated for different reasons.
Lewis A. Cook
Board Member, West Virginia Chapter
The American Chestnut Foundation