View from above of American chestnut catkins, by Florian Carle
2024 American Chestnut Photo Contest
Lace up your hiking boots and keep your phone or camera handy, because it’s time for this year’s American Chestnut Photo Contest. We want to see your colorful, creative, or unique photos of American chestnut or American chestnut hybrids. A funny photo of a squirrel stealing a bur? Perfect. Winter’s final snow clinging to last year’s dry chestnut leaves? Terrific. Catkins in silhouette while the sun sets? Excellent. We love to see photos that include every season, angle, and aspect of American chestnut, so get creative!
The winner will receive a one-year membership to TACF and the winning photo will be published on a future cover of Chestnut. Second- and third-place winners are also recognized and on occasion, a runner-up will be selected. We look forward to oohing and ahhing over your photos!
Contest Terms & How to Enter
All entries must:
- be submitted digitally via email (communications@tacf.org) or a link to a cloud drive by September 1, 2024
- relate to the American chestnut
- be at least 2400 x 3000 pixels (7.6 MBs) and submitted in a jpeg or tiff file format
- include the name of the photographer and their contact information
- include a full caption containing names of subject(s), location, and title
- be limited to a total of five photos
- be previously unpublished and cannot be entered into another contest.
Email Address for Submissions