About Us
2024 Annual Meeting
Saturday, January 20, 2024
The Indiana Chapter of TACF is hosting our annual meeting plus a little celebration for TACF’s 40th anniversary! Please join us for a day of science talks, chapter business, and a tour of the trees at the Martell Forest (weather dependent). We’d love to meet you and talk trees in person!
8:30am – 5pm
John S. Wright Forestry Center, Martell Forest
1007 N 725 W.
West Lafayette, Indiana 47906
Our Mission
To restore the American chestnut tree to its native range within the woodlands of the eastern United States, using a scientific research and breeding program developed by its founders.
The American Chestnut Foundation is restoring a species – and in the process, creating a template for restoration of other tree and plant species.
The Indiana Chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation is tasked with developing regionally adapted families of American chestnut trees (ie, specific to Indiana mother trees) and other state-related tasks.
The Indiana Chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation is tasked with developing regionally adapted families of American chestnut trees (ie, specific to Indiana mother trees) and other state-related tasks.
Meadowview (TACF’s main orchard in Virginia) harvested its first blight-resistant nuts in 2005. Indiana has 2 completed families and has begun reforestation trials with potentially blight-resistant American-type trees, using sound ecological principles. The return of the American chestnut to its former niche in the Appalachian hardwood forest eco-system is a major restoration project that requires a multi-faceted effort involving 6,000 members and volunteers, research, sustained funding and most important, a sense of the past and a hope for the future.
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Latest News
Indiana Chapter Annual Meeting
This year the Indiana Chapter of TACF will hold an in-person annual meeting. The date is January 14, 2023. The location is the Fitness Farm of Indianapolis. Our chapter science officer, Jim McKenna, has generously arranged for us to use a room at Fitness Farm at no...
Pure American chestnut harvest at Duke orchard
Duke orchard is a germplasm conservation orchard started with a generous contribution from Duke Energy Company. Many of the trees have produced nuts for a number of years. Some years pollen is applied in spring to produce controlled crosses. This year the trees were...
New germplasm conservation orchard (GCO) in Clinton county
This orchard was established three years ago to preserve the genetic material of the Indiana American chestnuts at the Duke orchard at Purdue. The Duke trees were all cloned from old existing chestnuts from all over Indiana. Unfortunately, the Duke chestnuts have all...